(1) Cash Gopher! Make Money for Staying Online!
So what is Cash Gopher?
Well... Cash Gopher is a software (472kb only!) That you download free from the Cash Gopher website and install it in your Computer. Once that is done you will earn for ever minute you stay online.
How is it possible?
No miracles here! Cash Gopher will use the idle capacity of your computer to do various "chores" sent to it by the Mother Gopher (A big computer) and send the results back to it. And for allowing your computers to be used for that you are paid a portion of the revenue generated through the process.
Will installing Cash Gopher Software slows down my computer?
The company claims that Cash Gopher will only use the idle capacity of your computers, so it should not "theoretically" slow down your system.
How and when will I get paid?
Payments are processed just like it is for mylot. Payments are processed through pay pal once you have accumulated a minimum of $10. If you have the minimum payout amount at the end of the month, you will be paid with in 15 days.
Click here to join Cash Gopher! - http://www.cashgopher.com/
(2)Gomez Peer
How do i earn money by just staying online?
Gomez is a site where you get paid for just staying online! All you have to do is to create an account with Gomez, download and install a piece of software they provide and link it with your Gomez user ID. That is it! And when ever your computer is online Gomez will start earning money for you!
Why do they pay me for Just installing a software and being online?
Gomez utilizes the idle capacity of your computers Processor for their activities and the payment you receive is the rent for the same.
Will Gomez effect my computers performance?
Gomez works in the background. You can install it and forget about it, you can hide its window and it will keep running in the system tray. You will not notice any decrease in performance of your computer because Gomez only uses the resources which are idle.
Method of payment?
They pay by pay pal. Please make sure that your email ID with Gomez and Your pay pal ID is the same in order to get paid.
Tags : How to Turn Your Computer into an Internet Cash machine. Earn money Through Internet by Staying Online and By Simply Turning on Your Computer !